Exen is highly focused on maintaining top international standards in health, safety, preserving life and wellbeing of our work-force while protecting environment, flora and fauna all around the places where we conduct operations.
Exen’s drivers is to maintain as priority the prevention of occupation hazards and damage to the environment by applying rigorously serious planning, operational inspections and audits; and preventive actions in each activity we execute.
All of our employees and providers are committed to adopt and implement such philosophy, and strictly follow up on directions given by line management and directors.
It is EXEN’s policy to train personnel in order to raise awareness of the importance of driving vehicles safely, respecting the rules and laws of ground traffic inside and outside the company’s facilities.
EXEN is committed to ensuring the welfare of its workers and employees, during the driving activities of vehicles, which is why it has adopted standards and procedures to minimize the risk of accidents and ensure that good practices related to driving vehicles are followed.
This policy applies to all organizational levels of EXEN. The following provisions must be implemented in all the operational bases and Client facilities. The driving risk management standard shall document the details of the requirements for the implementation of the local driving risk management programs.
Drivers training and eligibility
Only our own staff and contractors trained in the «Smart Driving» program will be able to drive light and heavy vehicles of the company. The validity of the training will be one (1) year and the «Evaluation of Driver Habits», every 6 months maximum. The training program must be documented in the local driving risk management program.
Journey Management Procedures
Operational bases must develop a current Journey management program that follows the guidelines established in the corporate driving regulations. The Journey management program will include all the conditions of the local driving risk management program and must have the specific risks detailed and identified.
Driver Improvement Monitoring
All vehicles owned by EXEN must have a driving behavior monitor installed. The operational bases must develop and implement a regular monitoring program of the information registered in the monitors to analyze it and to establish action plans for continuous improvement of drivers’ skills. The management will provide active support for the development and implementation of this program.
Substances Abuse
Driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or any drugs, is strictly prohibited and subject to disciplinary action including termination of employment. Precaution must be taken when drivers are taking prescription medication due to alterations in reaction time and tendency of some medications to increase Driving risk.
Use of the Safety Belt
All vehicles must have seat belts in the front and rear seats. Safety belts must be used at all times by all occupants of the vehicle, including contractors and suppliers.
Cell phones and radio communication equipment
The use of mobile phones and radio communication equipment is prohibited while driving vehicles, even if the hands-free system. The driver must safely park the vehicle before using the mobile devices or radios.
All regulations set forth in the vehicle driving policy are in accordance with the provisions of current national laws and regulations on labor legislation, working conditions and environment, social security, land traffic and internal disciplinary policies of EXEN; therefore, any infraction of the policy, regulations and procedures, incurred by a driver or his companions, will be subject to disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the provisions of the same.
EXEN implements safety practices to encourage staff to reduce and prevent risks. We carry out a series of actions, such as hazard identification and risk assessment, implementation of safe practices, technological improvements and training to raise awareness among employees. We seek to provide a quality work environment and to promote awareness about healthy practices among collaborators.
EXEN Intelligent Movement (MIP)
MIP is a program that is based on developing skills that allow to foster a culture of control for our body and safe behavior of our staff.
A healthy environment and workforce for greater shared value. An approach dedicated to promoting health at work, which is to provide the opportunity to the staff, to acquire and maintain healthy habits in the work environment that positively influence their well-being and the functioning of the company.
EXEN Intelligent Driving (CIP)
The CIP program seeks to improve the existing light and heavy vehicles driving skills as well as promoting driving without collision-events within EXEN areas of influence and beyond.
Intelligent driving considers the environment, the individual and the vehicle as parts of a system, where their components are interrelated. The knowledge of these subsystems and their interrelation strongly condition the level of performance. Indeed, the climatic conditions, the characteristics of the road, the moods and the level of maintenance of the vehicle are key when it comes to safe driving. Driving considered as an intelligent activity includes the interaction between these three important factors.
Behavior-based Safety Program (SBC)
The implementation of this program generates a guiding vision and provides flexible procedures that allow avoiding risk behaviors and promoting safe behaviors. It is a program designed to influence the actions of our employees towards safer results, ideally by preventing an accident or injury before it occurs. The implementation of a behavior-based safety program (SBC) is the most comprehensive way for the company to promote safety, eliminate hazards and prevent injuries.
When successfully deployed, a behavior-based safety program can provide positive rewards for changing unsafe behavior, reducing work-related injuries, minimizing lost time during our operations and improve the morale of the workplace, essential elements to create a strong culture of safety. Behavior-based safety is important because more than 80% of all accidents occur due to the decisions we make and how we act, that is, our behavior. Our Safety is very much under our own control. Unsafe behavior instead of unsafe conditions, are the main cause of most incidents.
Environment Management Programs (3R’s)
All wastes generated in operations where there are no environmental management regulations in force by the client shall be handled according to the 3R general guidelines (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), and classification, storage, transportation and final disposal shall comply with internal procedures.
In order to track and review generated wastes, monthly checks should be carried out led by the HSE department, even if there are regulations on environmental management in force by the client.
Our organization is focused on always reducing pollution from its origin, in this sense it has as a strategy a constant decrease in the generation of waste that is the product of its activities. This goal can be achieved by reducing initial demand, reuse of materials, recycling and energy recovery when possible. Where these options are not practicable, a safe environmental treatment will be provided, that is, to carry out the best practices in the disposal treatment.
EXEN is committed to guarantee the welfare, health and life of its employees by providing HSE management tools, which guarantee the effective execution of all its operations. That is why the following principles were developed so that everyone in the organization applies them in an inquisitive manner, and with zero tolerance to deviation from those.
No operation performed by EXEN is so urgent or important that we cannot take the time to do it safely. We all have the duty and the obligation to stop risky jobs, with high potential to cause an undesirable event. These requirements are mainly intended to achieve and reinforce a culture of behavior-based safety, predominantly with two areas of attitude such as commitment and intervention.
Our operations depend on land transportation to offer services and products to our customers. Our employees and contractors are therefore often exposed to risks.
To increase risk awareness in our daily work environment; body protection techniques necessary to avoid injuries resulting from EXEN activities must be provided, incorporating behavioral safety management aspects based on behavior where all workers must have Level 2 MIP training and validated employee skills assessment, for performing tasks in operational, administrative, workshops and laboratories.
No work or activity will be carried out without a pre-Job meeting and an effective risk assessment. When required, all changes in activities must be evaluated and authorized by the manager.
No load lifting operation will be carried out without the prior evaluation of the equipment and accessories involved. Personnel must have the necessary competences and training that will allow them to carry out the operation in a safely manner.
Guarantee at all times that exposure to risk during transportation, handling, and storage of hazardous substances and / or materials and their possible environmental impacts are minimized, controlled in an appropriate and effective manner in accordance with applicable local and international regulations.
Working in hazardous environments presents some of the greatest risks for EXEN employees as the potential consequences involved with working at heights, with pressurized systems, in confined spaces and explosive atmospheres are significant.
All Exen facilities must develop a process to provide relevant information, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of employees, for the purpose of guiding and supporting emergency preparedness and disaster prevention.
EXEN is committed to provide the appropriate information, instruction and training as needed to protect people from risks to their health and safety, arising from the different operations we carry out as part of our work-related activities.
The CCR & C is a committee formed by a group of employees in EXEN, which represents employees and management, in order to address health, safety, environment (HSE-Q) issues. It is oriented to proactive management which has been given authority and its function is to assist and encourage the prevention and mitigation of losses or damages to people, assets and the environment; by means of safe and responsible working practices.
Its scope reaches to all EXEN departments, having the authority to identify the relevant risks and act in accordance with the established procedures, to operate in the areas of quality and seek the solution, as well as the timely improvement of processes.
Risk & Quality Control Committee Responsibilities
- Incentives to improve the level of awareness in safe working practices, responsible for Safety, Health, Environment and Service Quality.
- Encourages active participation from employees in the process of hazard analysis and risk control, as well as actively promotes a culture of excellence that is oriented towards (Zero) defects in the organization.
- Evaluates HSE programs at the work site (base, well, etc.), ensuring traceability with the risk profile of the division.
- Reviews together with management all plans in order to promote and implement recognition programs to select the best employee in the divisions.
- Continuously promotes and monitors the generation of effective action plans to maintain compliance with corporate HSE objectives.
- Effectively communicates all the activities carried out by the committee through the publications of minutes, an active participation in audits, events, HSE campaigns, the publication of activities on billboards or in the corporate web.
- Assists line management in the investigation of HSE-Q events, including reports with high potential.
- Defines all needs as deemed appropriate for the formation of quality improvement projects. The committee promotes the implementation and monitoring of the actions of these quality improvement plans and encourages all employees to participate in the development and registration of them in our HSE-Q system.