We strive in positioning ourselves above local service companies by providing state-of-the-art and latest technologies in the market while partnering with our customers on solutions to increase production on new and existing wells.
Wireline Logging Technologies
The Quad Neutron is a nuclear measuring tool that uses four (4) independent detectors specially designed for the evaluation of formations through pipes. Two (2) Neutron-Neutron detectors (NN) and two Neutron-Gamma detectors (NG) allow to extract the response of the reservoirs when bombarded with neutrons coming from a 241AmBe chemical source, autonomously obtaining the fundamental parameters that describe the formations.
The Quad Neutron also has the following detectors: natural gamma ray, spectrum filtered gamma ray, CCL, fluid temperature (Top & Bottom), fluid resistivity (Top & Bottom) and an accelerometer. The communication method and the modular connectors used in the configuration of the tool allow other sensors to be included in the string for specific applications.
Properties evaluated
- Saturation and identification of fluids
- Porosity
- Volume of Clays
- Qualitative Permeability
- Relative Density of the matrix
- Identification o main lithologies (sandstone, limestone, dolomite)
- Identification of different types of fluids

Physical principles
When the rocks of the reservoirs and the fluids contained in them are bombarded with high-energy neutrons, three phenomenas occur:
- High-energy neutrons are slowed down mainly by collisions with the hydrogen element to thermal levels. The thermal neutron population counted by the N-N detectors is an inverse function of the concentration of hydrogen, also called the hydrogen index (HI).
- In this slowing down process, in each neutron collision, gamma rays of different energy levels are generated according to the element to which they have impacted. The population of gamma rays is inversely proportional to the density of the formation.
- When the thermal neutrons are captured, the activated atoms generate an additional set of gamma rays. The amount of gamma rays is a function of the type and concentration of the elements responsible for the capture (mainly, Cl-, Al +, Mg +). Gamma rays from activated Al + are the dominant in silicone formations and allows to evaluate the volume of clays. Also, in carbonate formations, activated Mg + is the dominant gamma ray generator and allows to evaluate the volume of Dolomite.
- Being equipped with N-N and N-G sensors simultaneously allows extracting information -never previously used in the industry- from the neutron bombardment of a chemical source.
Principles of interpretation
The different measurements of the Quad Neutron and the sensitivity they have make it possible to obtain by empirical methods the different properties of interest of the formations. The identification of the fluids is based on the double superposition of:
Porosities QTP and QL, where QTP is the total porosity independent of the lithology and fluids and QL is the porosity affected by the different liquids. The sense of the separation and the magnitude of this allows us to identify and quantify the saturation of the fluid, since the separation is characterized by different porosities and fluids.
The superposition of QTP and DDN is a powerful assessment tool for the identification of light hydrocarbons and gas.
Since the methodology is relative (comparison) and the data is acquired by the same and only radioactive source, then it allows the evaluation to be carried out in a series of conditions that are not typically recommended for other technologies, such as, for example, drilling piping with the annular with fluid.
- Primary evaluation of the reservoir through tubing.
- By Passed zones with saturation of hydrocarbons.
- Monitoring of the reservoir over time.
- Evalution of new wells for any of the following reasons:
– Unattainable costs for open-hole loging in marginal fields.
– High risk wells for open-hole logging.
– Saving of operating time in in-field drilling when doing the evaluation in cased hole: Saving in drilling rig, horizontal drilling, complex wells for open-hole logging. - Water shut-off
- Water, Oil and Gas contacts evaluation
- Hydraulic fracturing monitoring with non-radioactive tracers.
Non-conventional applications
- Heavy oil fields: With the ability to differentiate between the different types of fluids present in the field (heavy oil, light oil, gas, formation water)
- Wells completed with Gravel Pack / Slotted Liner systems or similar: without compromising the integrity of the obtained data. Unlike tools with pulsed neutron source (neutron generator, neutron accelerator, minitron), which lose precision in the presence of this type of completions.
- Horizontal wells with Coil Tubing (in memory mode); guaranteeing reaching maximum depths with minimum risk and maximum operational efficiency in areas of high demand.
Deployment options for the acquisition of the Quad Neutron Log
Wireline Logging: Real-time data acquisition.
Coiled Tubing: Memory or real-time mode with e-Coil Tubing.
Logging While Tripping: It logs comfortably when pumping the tool in memory mode inside the pipe until reaching a previously installed seat. It is logged when pulling out the drilling string at a given logging speed.
Slickline: Memory mode, “Smart Release” applications in memory, or in real-time with e-Slickline.
Drill Pipe or Tubing: In memory mode. The tool is placed in the pipe either when descending it or by pumping it later to log while moving the pipe.

Wells with Heavy Hydrocarbons 6 – 12 ° API, with the ability to differentiate between the different types of fluids present in the formation (heavy oil, light, gas and water formation).

Wells Completed with Sloted Liners / Gravel Pack systems, without compromising the integrity of the obtained data. Unlike tools with a pulsating source (neutron generators), which lose precision in the presence of this type of completions.

Horizontal Wells with Coiled Tubing (in memory mode); guaranteeing to reach maximum depths with minimum risk and maximum operational efficiency in areas of high demand.
The cement evaluation radial tools provide apart from the conventional CBL and VDL receivers (3 ft and 5ft), additional radially located directional receivers, which can measure circumferential data necessary to determine if there is channeling in the displaced cement, or to indicate a low compressive strength of the cement placed behind the casing.

The standard tool of 8 radial sectors gives us an excellent evaluation of the cement between the casing and the cement in most applications, however, as the size of the casing increases, the resolution of the 8-sector RIB decreases making it more difficult the interpretation of channels and other irregularities in the cementing bond. These challenges have been overcome through the manufacture of the new high definition RIB tools where 12 sectors have been incorporated for an azimuthal resolution of 30 ° instead of 45 °.
The azimuthal resolution of 30 ° (12 sectors), provides necessary information for the identification of channels, empty spaces and other irregularities in the cementing of casings of 7 ” (178 mm) or larger.
The tool combines the signals of the 12 sectors together with the 3-foot amplitude (CBL) and the 5-foot wave train (VDL) to obtain more accurate information on the cementing conditions.
- Vertical resolution 1.5. ft RIB, 3ft CBL and 5ft VDL.
- External diameter 3 ¼ in.
- 12 radial sectors.
- Azimuth resolution of 30 °.
- Record speed of 60 ° fpm.
- Up to 30 ° azimuthal resolution on cement maps.
- It has a temperature sensor that allows quality control and recording in real time.
- VDL ideal space for large wells.
Ultracompact Production Logging Tool with only 3 feet long specifically designed for multi-phase flowing rates which uses an arrangement of sensors principle.
The technology can be run either in real-time or in memory modes; using wireline, slickline or coiled tubing.
- Solid miniature sensors – MEMS based.
- Electric probes that are making ultra-rapid measures of conductivity for water and hydrocarbons discrimination.
- Optical probes that allow ultra-rapid measurements of the refractive index for discrimination of liquids and gases.
- New optical probes that discriminate the three phases: Oil, water and Gas.

- The measurements of fluids identification and speeds are made at the same depth.
- Sensors configurations can be optimized for each well.
- Uses small probes near the well walls.
- Measure low rates.
- Electrical probes are capable of measuring fresh water.
- It allows direct detection of oil in wells with high water cut
- To increase or optimize areal coverage of the well, it is possible to run-in-hole a tandem of 2 tools.
- Optimized configuration with nano technology.
Wireline Pipe Recovery
Based on a patented technology of nozzle and mix of pulverized metals to cut pipes, Drill Pipes, Casing and Coiled Tubing without the use of explosives or chemicals leaving a cutting surface without deformations.
Flame Cutter®
The flame cutter or Radial Cutting Torch (RCT), is a non-explosive cutter, consisting of cylinders loaded with a patented fuel that functions as a flame cutter capable of providing a controlled thermal event thus producing the flow of plasma or thermal flame with very high temperatures and pressures.
The plasma is directed through nozzles, specially designed paths that provide a focused flow and directed to the target pipeline to be cut.
This thermal event produces an effect similar to a high temperature and high speed sandblasting in the target pipe, effectively eroding the target material.

- Produces no deformation of pipe.
- It is not classified as explosive or dangerous chemical.
- Smaller diameter
- Reduced operating time
- Does not leave waste in the well.
Pipe Recovery Systems–ACE™
The extended range pipe cutters (ACE-X Cutter) are designed for use in pipe recovery operations as a final solution. The cutter is smaller in size to overcome strict restrictions where a conventional cutter is not an option.
New ACE-X cutters are the next generation of pipe cutters in the ACE family of cutters. The ACE-X cutters are specially designed as a solution in applications where there are severe limitations of the internal diameters and are a limiting factor for the execution of the operation.
We have used these new extended range cutters with excellent results in field work. Said conventional cutters were limited by the small diameters of the terminations and at the same time making cuts with very low deformation at the top of the cut, unlike a conventional jet cutter. It competes with the chemical cuts and flame in the low deformation in the cut pipe.

Table of technical specifications

Wireline Perforating
Dynamic UnderBalance
Perforating using Dynamic Underbalance technique allows us to generate perforated casing and formation tunnels without damages. This translates into higher well’s productivity.
Perforating Underbalance system is used when an underbalance in the borehole is desired after detonation of the guns without displacing the well fluids.
The explosive pressure created by the detonation of the guns cuts two pins and releases a piston that opens an empty gun called a ported gun. This allows the fluids from the well to rush to the empty carriers connected below the fired gun, creating a low-balance situation in the well that helps cleaning the perforated channels. The number of empty carriers required is determined by the well and by the operator requirements.

The GasGun has the ability to generate multiple radial fractures up to 10 meters (35 feet) from the wellbore. It is considered a well stimulation technique.
GasGun is a fracture device based on a solid propellant, incorporating the most advanced design that currently exists with the use of propellants that are activated progressively.
This technology has proven to be much more effective in the creation of fractures and increase of permeability. The technology has been used since 1994 in more than 10,000 stimulation jobs worldwide. In Latin America EXEN Technology Corp provides the services through its partnership with GasGun Inc.

Specifications table
Part Number | HSC-2-1m28 | HSC-2-2m56 | HSC-2-3m80 |
Length of Charge | 0.5-1 meter | 1.5-2 meters | 2.5-3 meters |
Total Length (in) [mm] | 53.25 [1353] | 92.25 [2343] | 131.25 [3334] |
Number of ports | 28 | 56 | 80 |
Max Temp. (°F) [°C] | 280 [138]* | 280 [138]* | 280 [138]* |
Max Pressure (psi) [MPa] | 8000 [55] | 8000 [55] | 8000 [55] |
- Removal of formation damage caused by drilling fluids, scale, cement filtering, etc. in the areas around the wellbore.
- Creation of fractures in existing perforated tunnels.
- Breaking the formation prior to stimulation work with the aim of reducing treatment pressures.
- It reduces the tortuosity that can generate screen-outs in a hydraulic fracturing job.
- Creation of fractures in the preferential planes.
- Increase in injection rates in wells subjected to secondary recovery by water injection.
- Effective and low cost stimulation in horizontal wells, with minimum equipment required.
Chemicals & Treatments
It is a patented desing that helps in the optimization of oil production and transport systems without the application of diluents and thermal methods, efficiently reducing the levels of shear-stress and pressure required by the surface pumping systems.
It is a friction reducer formulated based on mixtures of water-soluble tension-active agents, with effective performance in production systems where medium, heavy and extra-heavy oil are mobilized.
The reduction of friction is achieved by changes in the physical-chemical interaction between the fluid and the surface of the pipe through which the oil moves, exchanging the wall-oil contact system for the wall-water-oil system, where the oil it is under tremendously diminished friction forces, achieving a flow at higher speeds without major changes in viscosity.

Characteristics of Technology:
• Not corrosive, Non flammable, Non toxic.
• Based on the principle of wettability change.
• Compatible with most types of chemical treatments (corrosion inhibitors, scale inhibitors, biocides, demulsifiers, surfactants, among others).
• It does not originate stable emulsions.
• Typical treatment dosages, based on the total fluid rate produced, ranges from: 500 PPM (or 0.05% v/v) to 10,000 PPM (or 1% v/v).
Typical Applications:
• In Flowlines.
• In Wellheads
• Transport Pipelines.
G-Flow ®
It is an efficient flow improver for production and transporting systems, both in the bottom and on the surface, where naturally flow limitations are exhibited by high viscosity levels. In addition, it allows production increases, improves the efficiency of the bottom pump and of the multiphase pumping systems on surface.
Exen has developed the new G-FLOW® technology, a viscosity reducer, using a patented blend of non-synthetic, solvent-based, methyl ester-based amphiphilic agents, with a powerful effect on the rheology of heavy and extra-heavy oils.
It is not a solvent, it is a product formulated with a direct effect on the crude, based on the principle of asphaltene dispersion and micellar dispersion, which generates a direct result in the inter-molecular energy levels of a viscoelastic fluid, such as heavy and extra-heavy oils.

- G-FLOW®: It is an efficient flow improver for production and transport systems, both in the bottom and on the surface, where naturally flow limitations are exhibited due to high viscosity levels.
Technology Characteristics:
• Non-corrosive, non-flammable, non-toxic and biodegradable.
• Based on the principle of asphaltene dispersion and micellar dispersion.
• Compatible with most types of chemical treatments in crude (corrosion inhibitors, incrustation inhibitors, biocides, demulsifiers, surfactants, among others).
• Does not cause stable emulsions.
• Typical treatment dosages, based on the total fluid rate produced, vary between: 500 PPM (or 0.05% v/v) to 10,000 PPM (or 1% v/v).
Typical Applications:
• Downhole through injection capillaries.
• In Flowlines.
- G-FLOW®: It is a helpful fluid in the minimization of diluents consumption: In addition, it promotes production increases and improves the efficiency of the bottomhole pump or of the multiphase pumping systems on the surface.
It reduces the interfacial tension between the crude and the surface of the rock, contributing in this way to the additional production of oil in heavy and extra-heavy oil formations, avoiding in addition the early irruption of water in the well.
It is a technology formulated based on mixtures of water-soluble tension-active agents, for heavy and extra-heavy oil reservoirs, which modifies the fluid-rock contact angle, changing from wet rock to oil to wet rock to water.

Typical Applications:
- Matrix stimulations in heavy and extra-heavy oil sandstone deposits.
Characteristics of Technology:
- Water-based, non-corrosive formulation. Not flammable Not toxic. Biodegradable.
- Based on the principle of change of wettability on the porous media.
- Increase the relative permeability to the oil (Kor) and decrease the relative water permeability (Krw).
- Does not cause stable emulsions.
It a new matrix treatment system, proven and powerlful that has been used with outstanding results in Canada and the US.
For the implementation of this novel technology in Latin America, Exen Technology Corp has acquired the rights from the provider to deploy its services in the countries where we operate.
What StimStixx is?:
- A matrix stimulation treatment that is run-in-hole using wireline or coiled tubing.
- It is the first major matrix treatment advance in decades.
- Improves well’s productivity or injectivity through:
– An specific design for matrix treatments, with either HCl or HCl-HF.
– Shooting and cleaning of near wellbore. - Patented technology by our partner in Canada and only available in Latin America thorugh Exen Technology.

- Acid Delivery Systems – Pinpoint Accuracy.
- Saves Time & Money.
- Heated Acid Vapor is Highly Reactive.
- Environmental Impact Minimized.
- Safer than Traditional Acidizing Methods.
- Available in HCl and HCl-HF Blends.
Saves Time and Money:
• Eliminates auxiliary equipment associated with traditional methods
• Reduces required manpower and wellsite footprint

Safe and Clean

- Eliminates risks associated with high pressure acid/chemical pumping, including:
– Transportation to site.
– Exposure to crew members.
– Environmental spills. - Significantly reduces carbon footprint:
– Less industrial traffic.
– Reduced chemical impact – up to 90%. - Eliminates the use of potable water in conventional acid blending
- Producing oil & gas well remediation.
- Water injection / water disposal well remediation.
- Perforate & acidize in one run.
- Paraffin cleanout.
- Pre-cement squeeze treatment.
- Pre-frac treatment.
Highly Effective:
- Acid is generated across the perforations in a heated vapor state.
– Fully spends in the formation. - Highly reactive with scale and carbonates due to generation of heat.
– Burn temperature of ~302-464⁰F is 4X as reactive as liquid acid @ 32⁰F. - Low viscosity vapor.
– Increased penetration and contact to formation. - Low density vapor.
– Reduces tendency for channeling downward to the water leg. - Eliminates contamination and dilution of acid during placement.

Coiled Tubing
DualCT ®
The DualCT consists of two pipes of Coiled Tubing, one installed inside the other, that provides an efficient circuit of fluids for the operation of the CT Spiral Ventury Tool®. This circuit of fluids allows the efficient cleaning of wells of low pressure as well as horizontal wells without the need of nitrogen in a more efficient manner and at a lower costs.
The “CT Spiral Venturi Tool®” technology (US Appl. No. 62 / 358,947) consists of a tool operated by flow pressures that allows three working modes: Mechanical clean-out (working on jetting and vacuum modes), Venturi (working on vacuum mode) and chemical clean-out (working on jetting mode).
With the use of the DualCT® units and the SPIRAL VENTURI TOOL® tool, the cleaning of solids in deviated and horizontal wells is achieved, as well as the removal of emulsions, blockages by water, removal of scales together with our chemical technologies, induction of wells without the use of nitrogen and the evaluation of their production and all this without the need to hydraulically load the formation.
The development and testing of the CT Spiral Venturi Tool® started on February 2012, in order to venture into extra heavy and heavy oil wells with our DualCT® technology.

The DualCT® units use a configuration of 2 3/8 “x 1 ¼”, with a length of 10,000 feet. The DualCT® provides a drive fluid circuit to operate the tool by changing pressure and a return to bring sand, drilling and crude fluids to the surface.
The objective is to create high annular velocity, without coming into contact with the casing or production tubing, to ensure that the solids do not decant and isolate the treatment fluids from the formation. The annular speed in the DualCT® varies between 60-100 in/sec, depending on the internal configuration of the tool.

It is a patented technology used to generate a high-speed jet in a spiral form through grooves located at the end of the tool, for the removal of formation damage caused by mud cake and the recovery of fluids to surface in order to restore the productivity of the wells.
The technology used 3 working modes: Mechanical clean-out (working on jetting and vacuum modes), Venturi (working on vacuum mode) and chemical clean-out (working on jetting mode).
The CT Spiral Venturi Tool® (U.S. Appl. No. 62 / 358,947) is a well service tool operated by flow pressure. It is used to clean sand or solids from the wells and recovery of drilling fluids in conjunction with the Dual CT®.
- Removal of mud cake and recovery of drilling fluids.
- Removal of mud cake and recovery of drilling fluids.
- Cleaning of low pressure wells and induction to production without the need to use nitrogen.
The SpinCAT® is a powerful bottom tool specifically designed to remove plugs, scale and organic deposits across the completion.
The tool has powerful rotating jets and covers a large cleaning surface. An internal centrifuge controls the rotation speed from 150 RPM to 200 RPM.
They are a perfect complement for the cleaning of wells, such as sand pluggings, the elimination of scale present in pipes and cleaning of sand layers across the wellbore.
It is equally effective in cleaning organic deposits in pipes, such as paraffines, asphaltenes, hydrates, calcium carbonate, barium sulfate, mineral, waxes, soluble scales and cement.

General characteristics:
• Continuous straight flow design.
• Operating at pressures of 1,000 to 5,000 psi.
• Operating at temperatures up to 200ºC.
• Flows from 0.8 to 2 bpm.
• Autogiratory set.
• Simple maintenance.
• Fluoro-elastomer seals.
• Replaceable nozzles.
• The head of the standard nozzle has 5 holes with 1/8 npt, one in 15 °, two in 45 ° and two in 90 ° with respect to the axis of rotation.
It is an operation software developed by our organization which allows the operation of the CT Spiral Ventury Tool® and the DualCT® through a mathematical model simulator.
Software Properties
- OPTIMUS DualCT Simulator allows to simulate the operation of the CT Spiral Venturi Tool from a mathematical model.
- The simulation of optimal pressures and pumping rates for the operation of CT Spiral Ventury Tool and DualCT
Specific data is required
- Density of the fluid.
- Type of configuration.
- Bottom pressure.
- Maximum depth (MD).
- Vertical Depth (TVD).

Data Provided by the simulator
- Pumping rate.
- Rate of return.
- Switch pressure.
- Annular velocity of fluid.
Gas Lift Acelerator GLA (Pat. Pending)
Its purpose is to maximize production and safety in wells being produced by a gas lift artificial system. Our solutions through this technology includes the design, monitoring and analysis of gas elevation to maximize the performance and profitability of our customer wells through a Software (Optima GLA). The technology itself helps to optimize the gas injection by applying a pumping differential pressure thanks to a special design.
Technical Principles
The gas accelerator (GLA-Pat. Pending) is designed under the principle of Venturi which consists of a fluid moving inside a closed duct, decreases its pressure by increasing the speed after passing through a smaller section area, thus transforming the potential energy into kinetic energy.

Potential energy: It is the mechanical energy associated with the speed generated by the injection of gas.
Kinetic energy: Is the energy associated with bodies in motion, depends on the mass and speed.
The gas accelerator (GLA-Pat. Pending) consists of sixteen (16) parts (none of them mobile). The choice of materials to be used for the manufacture of these parts will be determined by the previous study of the characteristics of the well candidates. Given the presence of a high degree of corrosive elements, abrasive elements, H2S, sand, among others, the choice of materials will be made, among which we can mention: Carbon steel (4140 and 4340) and tungsten carbon.
Practical principles
The motor fluid (Gas) is sent from the surface to the installation depth of the gas accelerator – GLA.
The gas passes through the nozzle where it undergoes a change of potential energy to kinetic energy, reaching supersonic speeds due to a Venturi effect.
The Venturi effect causes a vacuum region that introduces the flow of fluids from the reservoir, generating a decrease in the Pwf at the level of the zone of interest.
The reservoir fluids enter through the vacuum region and then into the throat, where they mix with the motor fluid at high speeds generating a mixture.
The mixture enters the diffuser where the process of transforming kinetic energy to potential energy begins.
The mixture is exposed to the system (GLA-Pat. Pending) at considerable lifting pressures where its ascending to the surface begins.
- Valve Type (supersonic jet) moved by gas.
- It can be installed in circulation sleeves, isolating gas lift mandrels (Pack Off).
- There are moving parts in the gas accelerator.
- It works in a small space.
- Mechanical integrity
- Logistic simplicity.
- Operational efficiency
- Effective cost.
Stage 1
Installation in the Gas Lift Mandrel Depth Production pipeline

Stage 2
Installation in Circulation Sleeve.

Well Testing
The Accuflow multi-phase measurement system consists of a section of vertical and horizontal pipe.
The multiphase fluid [òil, water, gas] enters the vertical tuve tangentially creating a cyclone effect generating the greatest separation of the gas from the inflow.
The liquid (oil, water) together with the remaining gas enter the horizontal tube where the gas is separated completely.
The level of liquids in the horizontal pipeline is controlled by means of a control valve located in the gas flow line.
The measurement of gas / liquid flow is carried out by means of conventional instrumentation technologies.
After performing the gas and liquids measurement, they are combined and returned to the line of multi-phase flow.

- Simple and compact design.
- Very low pressure drop (< 3 psi).
- Conventional instrumentation.
- Low residence time fast response.
- Low cost equipment.
- Easy to transport, install and opérate.
- Wide flow ranges
- Applicable for ranges of 0-100% water cut.
- Applicable for ranges of 0-100 % fraction of gas.
- Easy maintenance.
- It does not have a radioactive source.
- Local support in place – there is no need to bring external support.
- Does not require specialists from abroad.
- Up to 85% more economical in mobilization than a conventional Well testing set.
- Up to 20% cheaper in daily costs than a conventional Well testing set.
Estimated Accuracy
- Fluid flow 1% of measured value.
- Gas flow 5% of measured value.
- Absolute water cut of 2%.
System Versions